
  • Incorrect number of years requested will result in a resubmission process and another $15.90 Money Order.
  • We DO NOT process Juvenile History Checks. Juvenile information can be requested from your Juvenile District Court Presenting/Probation Representative.
  • Missing or Unnotarized Documents will result in your request being sent back!
  • If you have not received your CTHR after a month of submitting your request, please call our office for a status update.
  • If you are requesting a Police Report and a Release of Authorization is provided for a specific person, the report may still be redacted if other individuals are involved and you don't have authorization for their personal identifying information.
  • IMS cannot refund a processed Money Order.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Any questions, please contact IMS at (928) 357-6210.

3 Ways to Submit A CTHR

There are three (3) ways to request for your Criminal & Traffic History Record (background check) for non-criminal justice purposes (i.e. Employment, Housing, Social Services, Personal Use, etc.).
  1. In-Person at IMS: Submit ALL required documents at IMS. (Quality Inn Office Complex, Suite 212, Window Rock, AZ 86515).
  2. Police District: Contact your local Navajo Police district records section/clerk to submit your request. Visit the IMS Contact page for a list of each District's contact numbers.
  3. U.S. Mail: Submit ALL required documents to the NPD - IMS Mailing Address. If requests are submitted by U.S. Mail or through a Third-Party Representative (Law Firm, Insurance Company, etc.) a Release of Authorization MUST be signed and mailed with your packet.
Release of Authorization


Request for Employment, Housing, or Personal Use. Click here to download CTHR Request Form. Please make sure you fill out the correct amount of years, IMS does not provide that for you. If IMS completes your CTHR and its the incorrect amount of years, you will have to submit a new request and new Money Order.

IMS requires two forms of Identification per individual. This is required because IMS receives hundreds of requests a month and not just from the Navajo Nation, we do research based on your personal identifying information. If you challenge an arrest charge or traffic citation, IMS will provide the justification by utilizing what you provided. Also, there are times when a request form is illegible, IMS doesn't want to give you someone else's record.

CTHR Requests are $15.90 per individual for any amount of years. IMS ONLY accepts Money Orders. Each additional copy of your CTHR is $1.06. Please have the correct amount. Please make the money order payable to the Navajo Nation. If you need help filling out a Money Order click here.

For Non-Same Day Service Requests. IMS will send out completed CTHR's and other results by U.S. Mail. By providing a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE), you are helping IMS with cost and time. Click here for SASE Example.

Mailing Information

Please mail your documents to the following address:

Navajo Police Department - IMS
P.O. Box 3360, Window Rock, AZ 86515

Your request and required documents will be verified by IMS, logged and researched. If you are not receiving same day services, your results will be sent out by U.S. Mail.


Money Orders must be the correct amount and payable to Navajo Nation
  • CTHR Request: $15.90 (per individual)
  • Police Reports: $2.12 (per page)
  • Extra Copy of CTHR: $1.06 (per copy)